Newfoundland Homeowners
Love our Outdoor Wood Boilers

We get a lot of calls from Newfoundland and ship a lot of boilers there!

Aftermarket Burner Sleeve & Flange

Shown below is the cylinder o protect a waste oil, heating oil or propane burner.

Hyprotherm FLRH-400 Boiler

A Better Idea

Your pumps, induction blower, thermostat and electrical plugs are safely behind a full-sized rear door.

Hyprotherm Boiler Pump, thermostat and blower

Propane is up in Newfoundland!

Oil prices are up, so sales are getting better and better for us!

FLRH-350 Wood Boiler

1116 Hwy 62 West Salem, Arkansas 72576 

+1 828-683-0025